
The Perfect Millet Bhel Puri: A Quick and Easy Recipe for Busy Evenings

We’ve all been there—staring blankly into the obsidian that is the refrigerator after a long, exhausting day, looking for a filling snack. Before the siren call of the takeout app beckons, put your chef cap on and assemble this millet bhel puri within minutes. Bhel puri is a revered Indian street food, presenting a blend of diverse flavours and textures in a single bowl. Traditionally, it is made from puffed rice, sev, chopped veggies, crushed crackers, a medley of chutney, and a glorious sprinkle of spice. Yes, it is as mouth-watering as it sounds. Now, imagine elevating this tangy dish into a culinary experience that incorporates the nutritional powerhouse, millets. Mixed millet bhel puri allows for a new approach to making an essentially traditional dish that is consumed by the masses into a healthy treat without losing its essence. So, ditch the guilt and learn how to make millet bhel puri—your own plate of deliciousness!



  • Dry Ingredients:
    1. Puffed Millets (sorghum, pearl millet, and finger millet): 1 cup
    2. Puffed Rice (optional): 1/4 cup
    3. Sev (thin gram flour noodles): 1/2 cup
    4. Roasted Peanuts: 1/4 cup
    5. Roasted Chana Dal: 1/4 cup
    6. Chat Masala: 1 teaspoon
    7. Red Chilli Powder: 1/2 teaspoon
    8. Salt to taste

  • Wet Ingredients:
    1. Onions (finely chopped): 1/2 cup
    2. Tomatoes (finely chopped): 1/2 cup
    3. Boiled Potato (cubed): 1/2 cup
    4. Green chilli (finely chopped): 1
    5. Tamarind Chutney: 2 teaspoons
    6. Green Chutney (coriander-mint chutney): 2 teaspoons
    7. Lemon juice: 1 tablespoon
    8. Coriander leaves (finely chopped): for garnish
    9. Puri: as per need


The process of making this millet bhel puri recipe is so effortless that you can barely call it cooking. Here’s how to make millet bhel puri at home:

    Step 1: Take a wide, dry pot and toss the puffed millets and rice over medium heat. Toast this for about 2–3 minutes and set it aside to cool. This enhances the crunch of the puffer millets.

    Step 2: Transfer the millet to a huge bowl once it is cool. Consequently, add in all the dry millet bhel puri ingredients. Sprinkle in the spices and give it a mix.

    Step 3: Chop the veggies and add all the wet ingredients to the mix. Toss this well to ensure an even blend.

    Step 4: Present the millet bhel on small serving plates with a garnish of chopped coriander and a puri.

Tip: You may add half a cup of cooked millet and sprouts to your mixed millet bhel puri to turn it into a wholesome lunch option.
Your dish is ready to be served to your guests! Make sure you enjoy the millet bhel fresh, as it may become soggy if left to sit out too long.

Health Benefits of Millet Bhel Puri

Millets bring a wealth of health benefits to any recipe they are added to. Their nutrient profile is expansive, with both macro- and micronutrient content that ensures you get the most out of your meals.
Millets, essentially, are gluten-free and rich in protein. These properties translate into their puffs, too, making them a sought-after choice for individuals with gluten intolerance and vegetarians seeking plant-based protein options.
The millet puffs are stripped of their fibre in the process of creation. However, this loss may be substituted with cooked whole millet and sprouts in the recipe.
The grain is a good source of complex carbohydrates that ensure a steady flow of energy to avoid any blood sugar spikes. Millets are also a smart choice for someone trying to include more minerals and B-vitamin complexes in their diet. These cereals are a powerhouse of iron, calcium, folate, magnesium, copper and so on. Moreover, the medley of sprouts in the Mixed Millet Bhel Puri may support gut health and aid digestion. This makes millet bhel a must-have on days when you need a healthy and filling snack.

Serving Suggestions and Variations

Incorporating sprouts into the dish is just the beginning of your culinary extraordinaire. You can do so much more with this simple millet bhel puri recipe.
Health fanatics are always looking for ways to boost their protein intake. In such cases, you may consider incorporating boiled chickpeas or sprouted mung beans into the recipe to increase the protein content.
For individuals who prefer a much more fruity tang in their meals, tossing in some pomegranate seeds and finely sliced apple cubes should do the trick. Additionally, if you enjoy a bit of a crunch, try crushing the puris and mixing it into your millet bhel.
These ingredients and variations bring forth a refreshing take on the classic dish, allowing for much more versatile consumption. Such enjoyable creations of the wholesome millet bhel puri ensure you not only satiate your taste buds and curb your untimely hunger but also leave your dinner table with a tummy full of a nutritious meal!