
Millet Porridge: A Healthy and Hearty Breakfast Option

Think you know your porridges? Let's rewind for a bit. Take it that it's a fine Sunday morning; you are dreading cooking up a storm on the brink of morning. All of a sudden, you get a whiff of a treat simmering in ghee being made in the kitchen. You rush to see a pot full of rich and delicious millet porridge (traditionally called kanji) simmering at the stove left by your mother. Its sweet taste and creamy texture have stood the test of time, evolving only for the better. Porridges are nutritious, healthy and easy to whip up, taking centre stage in our diets at events where we need some wholesome comfort food.



  • Dry Ingredients:
    1. Millet (preferred variety): 1 cup
    2. Salt: 1/2 teaspoon
    3. Cinnamon Powder (optional): A pinch
    4. Roasted Dried Nuts: A handful

    • Wet Ingredients:
      1. Water/Mik (or a combination of both): 3 cups
      2. Ghee: 1 teaspoon
      3. Honey: 2 tablespoons


What is Millet Porridge?

Porridges have been a part of cultures worldwide, with several variations, each unique from the next. A few familiar counterparts to these are oatmeal in the West and rice-based congee in Asia. Millet porridge is one such food that is revered across the country. It is essentially made by cooking millet cereals until they soften and are served hot. The millets impart a signature nutty flavour to the dish, creating a perfect canvas for adding sweeteners or veggies.
To create nutritious millet porridge for breakfast, lunch or dinner, you may employ finger millet,foxtail, proso, barnyard and pearl millet. Each of these millets has different textures and flavour profiles to offer to their respective millet porridge recipe. So, choose as per the taste and porridge consistency you wish to achieve.

Step-By-Step Method of Making Millet Porridge

We did mention that cooking millet porridge is an effortless feat. Here’s a detailed guide on how to cook millet porridge so that you create a bowl of goodness on every try.

    Step 1: With every millet recipe, the first course of action is to make sure that your millet is rinsed under cold water and ready. This will get rid of the dust and impurities. Consequently, keep the millet for soaking. Set this aside for at least 10 minutes. You may also choose to skip over this step for this particular recipe. However, it is integral to note that the process of discarding soaked millet water may remove tannins from the grain.

    Step 2: Transfer this rinsed millet to a pot on medium heat and dry toast for about three to four minutes, similar to what you would for Upma. This enhances the nutty flavour of the cereal.

    Step 3: After it turns a beautiful golden brown, you may pour in the water or milk with salt and cinnamon. Bring this mix to a boil, and once it does, reduce the heat to low.

    Step 4: Cover the pot and let it simmer for about 15-20 minutes while stirring every once in a while to avoid it sticking to the bottom. Do so until the water content is significantly absorbed. While cooking millet porridge, if you notice it is getting dry, add another splash of milk to the recipe.

    Step 5: Get the millet porridge off the heat and add in your sweetener, be it sugar or honey. Stir the millet porridge recipe and set it aside.

Such a millet porridge recipe in an Indian household is relished with dried fruits and nuts sprinkled over the top with a dollop of ghee to enhance its richness.

Health Benefits of Millet Porridge

The star of this millet porridge recipe is undoubtedly millets. They are small powerhouses of nutrients that may help in maintaining your overall health. They are a potent source of antioxidants and lend a hand in managing blood sugar levels. Incorporating millet porridge into an Indian diet may contribute to a balanced diet and ensure sustained energy levels on a daily basis.

Serving Suggestions and Variations

When making millet porridge for breakfast here are a variation that you may like to give a try to customise this dish according to your palate.

  • For a sweeter millet porridge recipe, you may consider topping your bowl of piping hot porridge with a drizzle of caramel over chopped berries, bananas and apples.
  • Millet porridges are also fantastic as a savoury food. For a spiced rendition, top your herbed porridge with sautéed vegetables, a poached egg, or even some avocado slices. Serve with a side of crackers for a filling meal.

Millet porridge is more than a breakfast option. It is a hearty celebration of food and comfort combed into a fine dish that dates back centuries. With a bowl of this warm deliciousness, you are treating your mind body and soul with nutrients and a flavour adventure that leaves you feeling satiated and energized for activities throughout the day.